Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Delirium by Lauren Oliver was alright. I'm not going to say it was the best book evarrr but it wasn't the worst either.

The story takes place in an undisclosed future where the US government has found a cure for LOVE! They call the love "disease" Delirum and while there isn't much of an explanation of what the cure is exactly, it seems to be some sort of incision.

Since love was banned there hasn't been any war or hate because you can't hate something unless you love something else. The government dictates your life mate, the number of children you have, where you will live and where you will work because after the cure you don't seem to care about that stuff anymore.

Lena, almost 18 and closing in on cure day, meets a 19 year old boy named Alex who she originally thought was cured but then finds out he isn't! He introduces her to the world beyond the walls she was caged into her whole life.. blah blah blah.

This same situation has been repeated so many times it's getting a bit annoying. For once I would like the heroine of one of these stories to not vow to give up her entire life to be with this one guy she meets? It's a terrible message for young girls reading these stories. Where are the Lyra Belacquas and Katniss Everdeens in these stories?

Anyway, while I do have issues with this book, the concept is pretty interesting and the story ends on a major cliff hanger that makes me want to pick up the next book in the series Pandemonium which is set to be released on March 6th.

Should you read it? Yea, give it a go.

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